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心理咨询理学硕士, 足彩外围网站康复咨询项目的选择, prepares aspiring rehabilitation counselors for 职业生涯s that assist people with disabilities to live fulfilling lives. 课程采用全面的方法来解决医学问题, 心理, 以及残疾的社会方面.

的 program admits 36 students each fall for full-time graduate study and currently has two full-time faculty and six adjunct faculty members. 70个学期的课程需要三年才能完成, 毕业率接近完美, 并准备咨询专业人员为一个独特的合格的工作范围. Many of our students have job offers prior to completing their graduate program. Graduates go on to work in a wide range of rehabilitation-related settings with competitive wages and opportunities for advancement.

心理咨询理学硕士 program is accredited by the Council for 认证 of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). 研究表明,CACREP毕业生在认证考试中表现更好, 这是衡量学生成功的重要标准. CACREP accreditation is the recognized training standard for counselors by the Institute of Medicine and the Veterans Administration, 让我们的学生获得有竞争力的就业机会. CACREP-accredited curricula are consistent with state counselor licensure laws including California, affording a pathway for our students to licensure and portability of that license.



进入该计划需要当前注册的M.S. in Counseling option in Rehabilitation Counseling program at California State University, 洛杉矶.



进入该计划需要当前注册的M.S. in Counseling option in Rehabilitation Counseling program at California State University, 洛杉矶.

的 certificate requires evidence of completion of 12 required units, with a minimum B (3.0)平均. Refer to Graduate and Postbaccalaureate Studies: General Information for general regulations governing all certificate programs.

心理咨询理学硕士的使命, 康复咨询项目的选择是招募, 保留, and graduate students from a remarkably diverse urban center to become rehabilitation counselors prepared to perform the full scope of practice of the profession. 的 Program creates a learning environment that shapes a professional rehabilitation counselor identity. Graduates will be qualified to provide the full scope of rehabilitation counseling-related services to individuals who have disabilities in order to maximize their personal and professional potential. Program faculty systematically evaluate and improve the program based on student and community stakeholder feedback on the following program objectives:

  1. 从一个非常多样化的城市中心招聘申请人
    1. 通过电子邮件分发项目手册
    2. 提升我们的网站形象
    3. Present on the program to relevant organizations, agencies, classes at Cal State L.A.以及其他学院和大学
    4. 在实习和实习地点与雇主建立联系
  2. 保留硕士生
    1. Encourage participation in the student Rehabilitation Counseling Association and other rehabilitation-related state and national organizations to further develop their professional identity
    2. 在整个学年提供准确,及时和有效的建议
    3. 帮助学生解决学业困难
  3. 提供cacrep认证的康复咨询课程
    1. 学生 will be oriented to the roles and functions of specialty areas in counseling and related ethical, 法律, 和专业问题(con 5001), 2.F.1)
    2. 学生 will recognize the richness and uniqueness of 社会ly and culturally diverse populations, 向所有人提供公平的服务(《足彩外围网站》第5103条), 2.F.2)
    3. 学生 will be able to recognize consumers’ strengths and capabilities throughout their lifespan (COUN 5000, 2.F.3)
    4. 学生将在职业发展中建立自己的知识和专业技能, 工作的世界, 以及残疾对职业的影响, including the knowledge to assist with issues of accommodation and accessibility (COUN 5140, 5149, 2.F.4)
    5. 学生 will develop effective individual counseling strategies (COUN 5005, 5114, 2.F.5)
    6. 学生将开发有效的团体咨询策略(con 5160, 2).F.6)
    7. 学生可以选择, 管理, 分数, 并解释咨询中常见的评估(con 5002), 2.F.7)
    8. 学生 will be able to appropriately evaluate the effectiveness of interventions and programs (COUN 5003, 2.F.8)
    9. 学生 will obtain practical experiences in working with people with disabilities in community, 公共, 私营机构, 以及城市环境中的学院和大学(con 5187), 5188, 第三节)
    10. 学生将促进所有个人的尊严和价值, and advocate for people with disabilities so that they receive maximum benefit and equitable treatment in society (COUN 5103, 5140, 5149, 5.H)
    11. 学生 will identify the medical and psycho社会 aspects of a wide range of disabilities (COUN 5111, 5142, 5143, 5.H.2.B, c, d, e)
    12. 学生将能够概念化个人的功能, 残疾, 并制定相关的治疗方案(con 5111), 5142, 5143, 5.H.2.B, c, d, e)
  4. 100%完成学生的毕业和安置.
    1. 在我们的网站上与学生和毕业生分享招聘信息
    2. 校友就业的跟踪和记录
    3. 跟进CRCC考试结果
    4. 为学生追求辅导员执照, 跟进邮政局长的监督时间, 国家道德与法律考试, 在NCMHCE上的表现.
    5. After two-years of employment, create supervised practice opportunities for future students

康复咨询 是一个系统的过程,帮助人们的身体, 精神, 发展, 认知, 和情感障碍来实现他们个人的, 职业生涯, and independent living goals in the most integrated setting possible through the application of the 咨询服务流程.

的 咨询服务流程 涉及通信, 目标设定, 以及通过自我倡导来实现有益的成长或改变, 心理, 职业, 社会, 行为干预.  在这种康复中使用的具体技术和方式 咨询服务流程 可包括但不限于:

  • 评估与鉴定
  • 诊疗计划
  • 职业咨询
  • Individual and group counseling treatment interventions focused on facilitating adjustments to the medical and psycho社会 impact of 残疾
  • 个案管理、转诊及服务协调
  • 项目评估与研究
  • 消除环境、就业和态度障碍的干预措施
  • 多方和监管体系之间的咨询服务
  • 工作分析, 工作的发展, 以及就业服务, 包括就业和工作住宿方面的帮助
  • 提供有关康复技术的咨询和获取途径

的 official statement of the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC, 1994, pp. 1-2),引用自Tarvydas & 哈特利(2018),

作为心理咨询理学硕士的毕业生, 康复辅导的选择, 一个人可以在各种环境中找到工作:

  • 辅助和独立生活设施
  • 社区学院或大学
  • 社区康复中心
  • 惩教/拘留中心或监狱
  • 残疾管理/保险公司
  • 员工援助计划
  • 法医康复设置
  • 医院:传统医院、精神病医院或康复医院
  • 非营利性康复机构(复活节印章), 善意, 犹太职业服务处, 联合性脑瘫)
  • 私人诊所
  • 中学
  • 长者中心
  • 专业护理机构
  • 社会与人类服务办公室
  • 失业/就业服务办事处
  • 退伍军人事务部
  • 劳动力发展中心
  • 青年辅导机构


  • 职业/职业顾问
  • 案例管理器
  • 注册康复顾问(CRC)
  • 大学职业规划顾问
  • 教练
  • 残疾学生服务协调员
  • 就业人员
  • 格兰特管理员
  • 生命护理规划师
  • 长期残疾专家
  • Mental Health/Clinical Counselor (Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, LPCC)
  • 康复机构主任
  • 研究员
  • 住宅顾问
  • State Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (Qualified Rehabilitation Professional, QRP)
  • 国家职业康复工作队组长
  • 物质使用/成瘾顾问
  • 测试专家/职业评估员
  • 中学过渡服务
  • 退伍军人事务职业康复顾问
  • 法医康复咨询职业专家


  • 社区及职业康复服务:30%
  • 个人和家庭服务:18%
  • 州政府,不包括教育和医院:13%
  • 护理和住宿护理机构:12%
  • 个体户:8%



CACREP认证 provides recognition that the content and quality of the program has been evaluated and meets standards set by the profession.  学生, 作为消费者, can be assured that appropriate knowledge and skill areas are included and that the program is stable, 专业和财务.



  1. 过去一年的毕业生人数:25人
  2. 完成率:90%
  3. 执照或认证考试通过率:


    Licensure exams for the California Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC):

    • 加州道德与法律考试:100%
    • 全国临床心理健康咨询师考试(NCMHCE): 100%
  4. 学生/毕业生就业率:97%

了解更多足彩外围网站 CACREP.


作为康复咨询计划的一部分, students receive individual advisement and instruction from expert faculty members who combine extensive classroom-teaching experience, 研究, and pre-service and in-service development in the area of rehabilitation counseling. For more information regarding rehabilitation counseling, contact the faculty below:


海蒂·保罗博士.D., crc, LPCC
办公室: kh c1033
电话: (323) 343-4439
联系电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)
网站: http://rcoe.ycdwkj666.com/faculty/hpaul/
变焦链接: http://calstatela.zoom.us/my/hpaul

米歇尔·米. 玛鲁

米歇尔·米. 玛鲁博士,CRC
办公室: kh c1072i
电话: (323) 343-6160
联系电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)
变焦链接: http://calstatela.变焦.我们/我/ mmahr


拉玛·亨德森博士.D., apcc, CRC
办公室: kh c1064
电话: (323) 343-6161
联系电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)
变焦链接: http://calstatela.zoom.us/my/rhender.phd
