Paralegal Studies Certificate Program in Downtown LA

Woman holding a notebook in front of a courthouse.

提供在加州州立大学洛杉矶市中心,律师助理研究(PLS)证书课程已经 美国律师协会 (ABA)自1978年批准, 使其成为加州最早批准的大学课程之一. 该课程旨在为学生提供坚实的法律知识基础,以及将这些知识应用于专业所需的各种实际任务的能力. 作为法律专业人士, paralegals are able to interview clients, 进行法律研究, and draft and analyze legal documents. 足彩外围网站的律师助理研究证书课程满足商业和专业人员法典第6450节的要求. 但是,除法律允许外,律师助理不得直接向社会公众提供法律服务.



  • Individuals interested in becoming part of a legal services delivery team
  • Individuals considering law school
  • Paralegals looking to brush up on their paralegal 技能

The Paralegal Studies Certificate Program curriculum will develop and practice:

  • Oral and written communication 技能.
  • Skills to find answers and problem solve through experiential learning.
  • Critical thinking 技能 through writing assignments.
  • 诉讼, 事务, 技术技能, and create a framework for continued learning in the workforce.
  • 律师助理职业的知识、技能和道德义务的框架.

In order to earn a Certificate in Paralegal Studies, 学生必须以“C”或更高的成绩完成必修的六门课程(18个单元). PLS 7010律师助理实习是可选的,而不是完成程序的必修课.

PLS 7001 American Legal Systems
Examine the fundamentals of the United States legal systems. 法律渊源, 程序上的要求, and the role of the paralegal in the delivery of legal services will be explored.
Examine civil ligation using contract and tort cases as a backdrop. Initiating a case, discovery, pre-trial, and preparing for trial will be explored.
PLS 7003 Legal Research and Writing
Examine the legal research process and the principles of legal analysis and writing. 使用权威,研究工具和有效的写作策略将被探索.
PLS 7004法律技术
Examine technology commonly used in the delivery of legal services. Word processing, databases, electronic filing, and e-discovery will be explored.
PLS 7005交易法
Examine common 事务 law principles. Contracts, business types, corporate filings, and regulatory forms will be explored.
Examine state and federal administrative agencies. 制定规章, 行政听证, and common administrative law areas, 包括移民, 工人的补偿, 失业保险, 税, and Social Security will be explored.
PLS 7010 Paralegal Internship (Optional Course)
检查知识, 技能, 以及在律师事务所实习期间提供法律服务的能力, 法律部门, 政府机构, 或者另一种法律设置. 学生 considering this course should 给Lisa Rauhauser发邮件, Program 教师 Coordinator, to obtain approval and placement assistance. 此批准书应于学生计划入读本课程前一学期取得.

注册 观看/收听现场或预先录制的律师助理学习证书课程网络研讨会.

Each Paralegal Studies Certificate Program course is $900 ($300 per unit).

The total cost of all six required courses is $5,400.

Payment for intended courses must be paid in full at the time of registration, as installment plans are not available.

联邦财政援助目前不适用于律师助理研究证书课程.  但是,你可以 应用 申请私人学生贷款.

足彩外围网站和当地的劳动力投资委员会(WIB)正在共同努力,以确保我们的国家有一个训练有素的和可持续的劳动力. If you have been laid off due to poor economic conditions, 公司关闭, 或者大规模裁员, you may be eligible to receive free career development training.

To find out if you qualify for paid training, 联系你当地的美国就业中心(以前的一站式中心),让他们决定你是否有资格接受免费培训. 一定要提到你想参加足彩外围网站专业与全球教育学院的课程. 访问 CareerOneStop 找到离你最近的美国就业中心,或拨打1-877-US2-JOBS(1-877-872-5627)了解更多信息. 

重要的: You must 联系 your local American Job Center for application and approval first. 在没有事先书面批准的情况下,不能免费注册我们的wib批准的课程.

Approved 项目 Offered by 加州大学洛杉矶分校:

Certificate in Paralegal Studies


Healthcare Revenue Cycle Administration Certificate

Certificate in Project Management 


讲师和参与者将积极参与面对面的讨论和讲座, and utilize Canvas (the University's learning management system) every week. The instructor and students are required to actively engage in discussions, 讲座, 和演示.

The next PLS Certificate Program offering is Fall 2024. 8月20日开学.  查看/下载 节目时间表.


  • 每门课程将在课程学期(春季和秋季)内每周指定一个工作日的晚上上课一次。.
  • All classes meet in the evening, Monday through Thursday (6:30 to 9:15 p.m.).
  • 大多数学生通过每学期选修2-3门必修课程,在两到三个学期内完成课程.

Applications for Fall 2024 open on May 7 and close on July 22, 2024 (at 5 p.m.). Transcripts are due before July 22 (at 5 p.m.).

律师助理证书课程的潜在参与者必须拥有学士学位或认可的高等教育机构颁发的文学或科学副学士学位才能进入该课程. 应用科学副学士学位或职业或职业学位不符合教育要求. 如果你没有一个学士学位或从认可的高等教育机构获得的文科或理科副学士学位, 请联系专业与全球教育学院(PaGE)项目办公室以获取替代流程.

The program does not permit students to transfer specialty credits from other institutions; nor does the program award legal specialty credit by course challenge, 检查, 或投资组合.

如果你在一个英语不是主要教学语言的机构完成了本科教育, you must submit evidence of English language proficiency. International academic transcripts can be translated through 您必须提交可接受的托福(英语作为外语的测试)550分纸质或79-80分基于互联网的测试(最低写作分24分和口语分26分),以证明英语水平.

反映授予(授予)学位的在线申请和官方成绩单必须由足彩外围网站专业和全球教育学院(PaGE)项目办公室收到. The deadline to 应用 and submit transcripts is July 22 (5 p.m.).

PaGE项目办公室将在申请窗口期间通过电子邮件通知丢失成绩单的申请人,直到收到正式成绩单. 当收到在线申请和密封的官方成绩单时,将对申请进行评估. You will be notified by 电子邮件 from the PaGE Program Developer regarding admission.

When submitting official transcripts to the PaGE Program Office, 该文件需要打印在签发机构的官方纸张/信笺上,并由机构密封在信封中. 打开的成绩单被认为是非正式的,不会用于入学审查. All submitted documents will not be released back to you.

应用 to the Paralegal Studies Certificate Program.

NOTE: If you encounter technical difficulties 应用ing to this program, please 电子邮件 向专业与全球教育学院学生服务办公室寻求帮助.

请 mail official transcripts reflecting a conferred degree to:

加州大学洛杉矶分校 – Paralegal Studies

5151 State University Drive, Golden Eagle Room 215

洛杉矶,CA 90032-8619

If transcripts are not mailed to the address listed above, our office will require you to request another official copy from your university.

足彩外围网站获得学位的未来学生不需要提交正式成绩单,但在申请和创建PaGE帐户时需要注明他们的CIN(校园识别号码). 如果足彩外围网站校友的个人资料和申请不包含CINs,则申请无法处理.

To ensure receipt of your official transcripts reflecting a conferred degree, our office also accepts electronic transcripts if your institution has this option. 请 request for your official transcript to be sent electronically to:

(323) 343-4915

加州大学洛杉矶分校's 不歧视政策.

加入我们的 兴趣列表 to learn more about the Paralegal Studies Certificate Program

Law firms in need of paralegal interns or employees, please 联系 the College of Professional and Global Education 项目 Office.

For more information about the Paralegal Studies Certificate Program, please 联系 the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Downtown Outreach and Recruitment Department: (电子邮件保护).