


We are thrilled to announce that the Department of Pan African Studies at the 民族学院 has been awarded the Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad grant for educators by the U.S. 第二次在教育部任职! This grant will enable the department to lead a transformative 教育al journey for U.S. educators, 管理员, and graduate students to South Africa in the summer of 2025.

Group of students and faculty in Africa in front of poster that re广告 Honour Madiba's legacy, make your mark on Mandela Day as part of theFulbright Hays Group Project

的 2025 program aims to advance the missions of Pan African Studies and Ethnic Studies by immersing secondary and post-secondary educators, 管理员, and graduate students from across the United States in South African 文化 for four weeks in July 2025, 这样他们就可以开发一个解放的课程. Participants will have the invaluable opportunity to learn the Zulu language and 文化, as well as gather knowledge and materials related to indigenous African health-related knowledge systems. 这一经验将丰富美国的经验.S. secondary and post-secondary curricula with topics and materials focused on indigenous African health and 疗愈 practices.

你可以联系项目主管或协调员, 使用下面的联系方式, 如有任何查询.


威特沃特斯兰德大学讲座研讨会, 艺术学院, 在约翰内斯堡, 在南非,演讲者站着,其他人围成一圈

该项目的目标群体包括美国.S. K-12 educators; faculty members at 高等教育机构 in the U.S.; and 管理员 at state departments of 教育, 高等教育机构, 或学区在美国.S. 谁负责计划, 进行, 或者监督各级学校系统的项目. It also includes graduate students or juniors/seniors in 高等教育机构 in the U.S. who are prospective teachers in modern foreign languages and area studies.

的 program encourages individuals who meet the criteria above and work in the fields of ethnic studies, 泛非研究/非洲研究, 非洲历史, 或其他与非洲相关的研究领域申请. 另外, 在加州州立大学系统内工作的个人, 面向少数民族的高等教育机构, 洛杉矶联合学区, or other minority-serving school districts throughout the United States are encouraged to apply.


出发前辅导(虚拟): 6月16日- 6月20日

海外项目日期: 6月29日- 7月30日
离开你.S.: 6月28日星期六
抵达南非: 6月29日星期日
离开南非: 7月30日

*注:节目日期暂定, actual dates may change by a day or couple of days depending on availability of flights.

的 Fulbright-Hays SHORT-TERM CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT GPA grant covers the following expenses:

  • International travel to and from Durban, South Africa from New York City, or any other designated U.S. 出发机场.
  • 项目期间的食宿费用.
  • 南非与项目相关的交通.
  • 博物馆和演出的入场费.
  • 活动期间派发的教材.

授予 不包括:

  • 参与者计划费用$665 以支付在美国的行政费用
  • 从参与者的家到纽约市的当地旅行,John F. 肯尼迪机场或任何其他指定的美国机场.S. 从机场出发,节目结束后返回. (Participants are advised to seek funding support from their institutions, academic departments, 等. 项目费用及本地交通费).
  • 暑假在南非的强制性医疗保险.
  • 护照和签证费.
  • 与旅行有关的接种和其他保健费用.
  • Travel done on the student’s own time and initiative in Southern Africa.
  • 个人购物及礼品.


申请前, please prepare to upload two letters of recommendation and your curriculum vitae/resume.  准备好回答有关你的人口统计信息的问题.  同时,准备三个问答题的答案:

1. 你为什么选择这个项目? (字数不少于250字).

2. 你觉得学习祖鲁语和祖鲁文化怎么样, 足彩外围网站健康, 疗愈, and well-being in South Africa might enhance your curriculum (feel free to mention other ways you plan to use the knowledge, 技能, 以及你在学校从这个项目中获得的经验)? (请使用至少125个单词).

 3. 你个人经历的哪些方面(例如, 个人背景, 相关课程, 工作经验, 以前的旅行, 等.我已经为你在南非生活和学习做好了准备? (请使用至少125个单词).

截止日期:2024年11月15日(星期五)晚上11:59.m. 太平洋标准时间

候选人的选择: Candidates will be selected by a committee made up of specialists in Zulu and other African languages and Africa-related study areas. Selections will be based on the requirements stated in the program announcement. 你会被通知 星期五,2024年12月16日,了解你的申请结果. If you are successful, you will be sent additional information concerning the program at that time.



的 Zulu GPA coursework is comprised of two sections: Language and Culture Education. 的 交际/会话语言习得 & 使用(第一部分) 祖鲁语课程的所有内容都与GPA课程的其他部分相关联, 即嘉宾讲座, 文化/历史古迹教育之旅, 研讨会, 资源材料, 模块开发. 该课程是围绕美国的5c设计的. S. 外语学习国家标准, 即, 沟通, 文化, 连接, 比较, and Communities to enable participants in their process of becoming lifelong learners to develop insight into the nature of the language and the 文化 of the Zulu people as well as the ability to use the Zulu language in appropriate contexts. 的 contents of this section are mainly drawn from authentic materials including stories, 报纸上的文章, 诗, 广告, 和歌曲. Texts from various textbooks designed for second language learners are also used. At the completion of this course participants can discuss a variety of contemporary issues (cultural and religious practices, 家庭生活/关系, 政治事件, 教育, 祖鲁人的历史等.). 文化教育(第二部分) of the Zulu course is tied to the language 教育 section (Part I) as well as the rest of the GPA curriculum components, 即参观文化和历史古迹, 工作坊或讨论, 讲座研讨会, 资源材料和模块开发.

每周举行讲座和研讨会, by expert faculty from partnering institutions in South Africa as well as community experts on a wide range of topics, 包括祖鲁人的历史, 祖鲁文化的方方面面, 祖鲁文化中的性别及其对健康的影响, 南非的语言和健康问题, 祖鲁人的土著治疗, 健康态度和信仰在南非社会中的作用, 种族隔离和民主对健康和治疗的影响, 种族隔离前后的移徙及其对健康的影响, 文化, 和南非的语言, 还有音乐史, 音乐在种族隔离时期的作用, 它对心理和行为的影响, 等.

参加者将参观豪登省的历史文化遗址, 夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省, 和西开普省. 例如种族隔离博物馆, 自由公园博物馆, 潘西博物馆(祖鲁服装博物馆), EShowe博物馆(基督教/祖鲁战争/祖鲁篮子) & 珠子), 索韦托镇/纳尔逊·曼德拉故居博物馆, 流动劳工博物馆, the Kirby Collection at the College of Music at the University of Cape Town, 罗宾岛, 等.

的 hands-on workshop and discussion attendance are designed to teach participants how health and 疗愈 are understood and practiced in South Africa.

参加者将参观书店, 市场, and indigenous music instrument stores in all three provinces to acquire 资源材料 to be incorporated in the development of their U.S. 课程.

Participants will utilize the final week of the project to work on their modules, 这些模块将被纳入他们的课程. 一旦模块完成, 综述了, and approved by the participants they will be made available electronically to the entire community of educators and 管理员 in the United States, and participants will disseminate the modules at relevant conferences and 研讨会 in the United States.

该项目由美国政府资助.S. 部门. of Education to provide intensive instruction in the Zulu language and 文化. During the project participants will have time to make contacts with South African academics and 管理员 to discuss research affiliation and similar matters related to their future academic/research plans. But participants will not have time to pursue personal projects related to their own 教育al program.



Dr. 联赛麦克道戈尔